Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Kimberly’s – via highway

We finished up at Broome and headed towards the Kimberly’s but as we have been told the Gibb River Rd was closed at this end. So we headed East along the main highway through towns Derby, Fitzroy Crossing and Halls Creek. You don't get to see much at all going this way. The Bungle Bungle’s are off this highway but they were closed as well.

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 Boab Prison Tree near Derby.

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 Sunset at Fitzroy Crossing

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                                 Mitch with one of the many frogs.           Lots of Boab Trees along highway.

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 Russian Jack at Halls Creek.

This legend once pushed his sick friend 300 km along a dodgy track in a home made wheelbarrow back in the gold rush of 1883.



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 Our camp spot near Halls Creek

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                The China Wall near Halls Creek and one of the many huge ant hills everywhere along the whole 600+ km of the highway.

 We ended up at Wyndham and they have a cool lookout where 5 main rivers meet…so much water!!

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5 Rivers lookout.

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The Grotto near Wyndham.

It was a pretty quick trip but we are heading to El Questro next …….just a little way along the Gibb River Rd on the Eastern end….bit excited about that.


  1. Stunning Fitzroy Crossing sunset photo Jac! Love to you all!

  2. Hi - your photos look fantastic - so many memories. We can't wait until you get back - it's just not the same without you here. We are counting down the weeks now ...
    Isaac - I really miss you and I look at your photo every night before I go to sleep. You look really happy in your photos, you must be having a great time. I went bush camping at Easter and it was lots of fun. We had a really big camp fire. Love Elliott xx
