Sunday, May 22, 2011

Katherine Gorge, Mataranka & Tennant Creek.

We have made our way through Katherine. We didn’t do so much in the town, just a bit of shopping, and then on to Katherine Gorge National Park, or Nitmiluk as they like you to call it.  The camp ground was once again lovely, with a great swimming pool so we could do some more swimming once again. It had a singer/guitarist in the evening which we enjoyed sitting and listening to. The camp ground had lots of Fruit Bats or Flying Foxes (not sure what they were) hanging in all the trees and it was quite the sight to see them all flying around at dusk. It also had friendly Wallabies and very brave kangaroos –we were woken in the middle of the night to a lot of banging in our trailer. A kangaroo had grabbed our cereal box (that I had forgot to put away) so Simon went out to deal with it …..the funniest thing I have seen in a long time was a limping Simon chasing the kangaroo that somehow got the box stuck on it’s head and was hopping around our camper. It all ended well with both parties safe and well. 


Katherine - Mataranka 010

Edith Falls

Katherine - Mataranka 017

Swimming pool at camp ground.

Katherine - Mataranka 092

Fruit bats or Flying Foxes???

Katherine - Mataranka 026

Katherine - Mataranka 037

Friendly Wallabies

The walks were very challenging in the gorge so we only did one of the smaller ones. It was still great but we didn’t see the real gorge part of it.

                            Katherine - Mataranka 060Katherine - Mataranka 063

Katherine - Mataranka 065


Next we went to Mataranka and the Thermal Pool there. A short walk from there is the Roper River where we saw only our second wild Crocodile off in the distance.

Katherine - Mataranka 106

Katherine - Mataranka 122  Crocodile in Roper River

Katherine - Mataranka 133

This is the house they used in the book/movie We of the Never Never. Haven’t read it but it’s on my ‘to do’ list.

Next on to Tennant Creek where we did a Mining tour at Battery Hill and learnt all about gold mining in the area – from the early days up till now. The gold here is found in small grains in Ironstone.You have to crush the stone down very fine then extract the gold dust from that…a lot of hard work in the early days.


Tennant Creek 026

Battery Hill

Just an hour down from Tennant Creek is the Devils Marbles. This was a fun place to go, we camped in the camping ground there and had a lot of fun climbing all the huge boulders.

Tennant Creek 060

Tennant Creek 070

Tennant Creek 043

The nights are getting cooler now with everyone wearing layers to bed to keep warm. The days are still nice and sunny but getting cooler as well…..getting us ready for Adelaide:)

Tennant Creek 085

A cool sight we saw along the road on the way to Alice Springs.

We are spending 4 nights in Alice Springs then heading to the MacDonnell Ranges and on to Ayers Rock. xxx


  1. So wish there was footage of johnno versus the roo :)

  2. We'd like to see that footage too!
    Once again, sounds like such a fantastic experience and we are still soooo jealous.

  3. Go simon, i wanna know how the roo got the cereal box on his head, funny! wish you had the camera out ready, you guys are going to have some great stories to tell to keep us all laughing! Jo will love knowing you were at Tennant Creek, keep having fun xxxx

  4. Ok, so I nearly wet myself laughing about the roo with the cereal box and Simon limping after it!!! Glad to hear all was ok in the end. The weather down here is freezing!!! The gorges look stunning, but what a tiring walk. Keep having fun and stay safe xxx

  5. Im just LOVING this blog, thanks for putting in the time, i know what you mean about the fruit bats flying at dusk, happened in Hervey Bay, a sight i never tired of watching, so quiet and eerie....
    Looking forward to you coming home xx

  6. I miss you a lot Isaac and I hope that you are coming back soon. I have loved looking at your photos they are very beautiful. Hope you haven't been swimming with those crocodiles. Counting down the days until you come back too school. Tomorrow is will be about a week and 5 days until I see you!!!!! Love from E xxxxxoooooxooxoxooxooooooooooo

  7. You are right that the walk in the Katherine gorge is very long. We did half of it in a boat then walked, and it was still very taxing! Thank you for allowing Simon the time to return on Monday, we really appreciated that.
    I would love to have you all to visit when you get back.
