Tuesday, May 3, 2011

El Questro



We were very excited to find out that the Gibb River Rd was open at the other end and we were able to get as far as the Pentecost River….which meant we could see El Questro Wilderness Park. El Questro is a wonderful place with, gorges, waterfalls, swimming holes and warm springs  We spent three nights at the “Station” where you can camp right on the Pentecost.  We were there for a Saturday night which was great…live country music being heard across the Station…river rapids in the background…very relaxing place to be.


The river crossing to get into the camping ground.

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Emma Gorge

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Mitch enjoying the walk back.

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Pentecost River by our camp ground. It’s flowing very fast at the moment so the kids had a great time flowing down then getting out and running back up stream to get in again.

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                                                                       Simon relaxing in the rapids. 


022       Zebedee Springs – nice and warm.


Amalia Gorge


Isaac being very brave.


Pentecost River where it crosses Gibb River Rd…still a metre deep.

The kids did a great job of doing the walks, some of them took a very long time in the hot sun but they kept on going….I guess a refreshing swim at the end was always a great incentive.

Off to Northern Territory now. Hope everything back home is going well, miss you all.


  1. I think I need to relax in one of those rapids/pools. Talk soon xxx

  2. What a wonderful way of relaxing Simon!! love the pics Jac - the boys sure look as tho they are loving every minute of this!!! can't wait to see you when you finally get home - missing you all!!

  3. Love reading the Blog guys - looks like so much fun. We've just come back from our own driving holiday (no where nearly as exciting or remote as yours - although must people think Tassie is a world away) to Melbourne and Tassie with many sights along the way. Your pics are great and really capture what will be lifetime memories for you all. From the obvious amazing experiences you must be having we are not convinced that you will be coming back!!!

    Travel safe and see you soon . . . hopefully!

    Dave & Lucy

  4. Hi Guys,
    So glad you got to do some of the Gibb River road and fun stuff in the Kimerlies, the river crossing are cool!
    It was also closed when we got up there last year, but then opened enough for us to see some bits as well.

    Keep having fun!

    Take care
    The Schrapels
