Saturday, May 14, 2011


We have had a great 4 days in Darwin. The weather settled down really nicely after our first couple days and gave us beautiful warm days without much humidity at all – with nice cool nights which was awesome for sleeping…haven’t sleep so well since Adelaide.

We kept ourselves busy with a few touristy things and once again plenty of swimming and school work at our caravan park. The caravan park looked lovely and felt very tropical but was right next to the Airport so we had plenty of planes and military jets flying over all the time so that kept things interesting…those jets are pretty cool but extremely loud.

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Caravan park.

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We spent our first night at the Mindil Beach Sunset Markets and was treated to another great N.T sunset.

We then went to Crocodylus Park and learnt all about the crocodiles and croc farming – didn’t realize there was such a huge market for crocodile skin goods.

Darwin 009


                         Darwin 021Darwin 024


                         Darwin 034Darwin 043

                         Darwin 040Darwin 038


We went to Doctors Gully and fed the fish there.

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Darwin 098

Doctors Gully.

We also went to the Museum and Art Gallery where they have an awesome Cyclone Tracy Exhibit. It really makes you realise how awful it really was. They have this sound room that plays an actual recording of the cyclone and it’s incredibly loud (much like those jets) and very scary. It was interesting to hear that the cyclone sat on top of Darwin for something like 6 hours blowing one way, then 6 minutes of silence and then of blew the other way…what a nightmare!


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Simon with his new hat and without his beard.

We went to Fannie Bay Gaol and learnt all about the colourful history of the place. The boys thought it was interesting that when the Japanese bombed Darwin in 1942 they let all the prisoners free and said “fend for yourselves”!!!

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We also visited the Botanic Gardens and did some more WWII heritage sites.

We finished our time in Darwin with fish and chips on the beach with another great sunset.

Darwin 216

On to Kakadu now to check out the wetlands. We are heading in the direction of home now which is a good feeling…a few more adventures and we will be home. Missing you all xxx


  1. Lovely to hear from you again - did the boys realise their great grandfather was in Darwin in 1942 when it was bombed?
    Again some beautiful photos Jacqui - and great to Simon's face again without the fuzz! How did the boys feel holding the baby crocs?
    It will be so good to see you all again and give you all a big hug!
    loads of love!
    Mum (and Dad!)

  2. Jacqui (and family) - you have done an amazing job on the blog - it just about feels like we were there with you - and fantastic photos! Shame it's time to start heading toward home but looks like it's been an awesome trip - and still much more to see and do coming back through the centre (we were just there for 12 days and it was great, enjoy the mouse plague) - make sure you get to Palm Valley out from Alice - it really is worth the effort. Looking forward to seeing you guys again with your tans! Damien and Cathy and family.

  3. Hi Johhnos, We've been enjoying following your epic adventure and must confess to a touch of envy as it looks like you're having a wow of a time. I reckon Johnno will be reminiscing about this one long after he's hung up his fluro jacket.
    Love the "red shirted Beecks!!"

  4. Totally fallen in love with the pic of the sunset!! So did the boys smuggle a croc back to the tent?!! xxx

  5. Lovely shots (as always) - particularly like the sunset shot, actually both sunset shots but a rude family got in the way of the last one!!! :)
