Sunday, May 8, 2011

Litchfield National Park.

We headed to Litchfield National Park and made a stop over at Adelaide River. Adelaide River has a lot of  WWII history with thousands of troops stationed there in 1941. So we gave the kids a history lesson and headed to the War Cemetery.

This place is beautiful and amazing, it’s got so many stories to tell. There are 434 service men buried there, all losing their lives in the Top End. It was quite an emotional time looking at all the graves and seeing just how young most of them were.

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Litchfield National Park is similar to the other parks we have visited…it has spectacular waterfalls and swimming holes…a couple swimming holes are still closed because of all water that has come down and they are not confident that it is croc free yet….

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More Waterfalls…Tolmer and Florence Falls


During a beautiful rainforest walk around Wangi Falls

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Swimming among the fish in the rock holes. Isaac loves getting in under the can just see him there on the right.



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While we were there we tried our luck at fishing again….and success. We had a bit of luck and caught 2 fish at the same time! The boys were a bit excited.

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Our Spanish friend Aitor.

We shared our campsite at Litchfield with Aitor. He is a Spanish cyclist who is cycling around Australia…well actually the world. He plans on cycling around as many countries as he can. He was a really interesting guy who has experienced so much so it was really cool to spend a few days with him. And the kids got to practice their Spanish as well…..

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Litchfield has got great walking tracks so we went on a couple night walks to do a bit off wildlife spotting. We saw rock wallabies, cane toads, lizards, bats, snakes, huge spiders and frogs. The nights were really warm but we still had camp fires…..we only had to enjoy them from a distance!

We arrived in Darwin this morning…and our first impression is humid- it’s amazing you just sit still and beads of sweat just drip off you. We’re excited to check out the city over the next few days. xxx



  1. I think you guys have spent more time in water holes than actually in the car . . . probably a good thing actually! Still very jealous - now that's what I call a great education for the kids (I'm sure most of what the kids have seen, done and learnt would never be taught at Marion or any primary school for that matter...).

    Take care.

  2. agree about the water holes - no wonder you're dripping sweat in Darwin - you're all water-logged!
    love the photo of you and Isaac Jac! and Mitch and Andy - great fishing - what did they taste like?
    Hope you've recovered from the bug bite Ethan - you'll have so many stories to tell us all.
    lovely talking to you today Simon - missing you heaps!!

  3. So good to see you all looking well and having a ball!
    Ruth [and Wayman]

  4. Hadn't looked for a while, it was great to see all the photo's, just looking through them all makes me think of the many memories you're making....i'm soooo excited for you that this trip happened and you get to experience it all! Dare i say it, I'm so jealous, looks so amazing.

  5. Finally got around to looking at your blog, it looks amazing! Love the list of injuries, especially Ethan's beetle! Our boys will be excited to see the croc photos. Looking forward to getting up there ourselves.
    Love, Joy (& Jason)
