Sunday, May 8, 2011

Crossing the border.

We left El Questro, went through Kununurra and stocked up on a bit of food while we were there. We moved on to check out Lake Argyle on our way to the border and the boys were very excited to see our first crocodile, so after a quick photo we kept going so we could make Northern Territory before it got dark.


Lake Argyle


Our first croc sighting…small but exciting.



We were talking as we drove along about what our highlights have been so far…and here they are

Mitch – Adventure World in Perth, Jumping into the middle pool at Amalia Gorge in El Questro, Camel ride in Broome, Monkey Mia, Karijini National Park and seeing Dingos.

Andy – Helping Tim on the farm in Gnowangerup, Chocolate Factory in Perth, Adventure World, Driving across river in El Questro, Amalia Gorge, seeing his first crocodile.

Isaac- Camel ride, Chocolate Factory, 1st crocodile, Money Mia, Shell Beach and seeing the Southern Cross in the sky.

Ethan – Playing spotlight chasey in El Questro, 1st crocodile, seeing Emus, and having a flock of birds flying right next to his window while we were driving.

Simon- Everything apparently.

Jacqui- Shell Beach, relaxed time in Perth & Broome, Karijini National Park  and everything in El Questro – especially Emma Gorge.

We also had a bit of a laugh putting together this list of happenings…..

  • 1 leech bite – Jacqui
  • 3 Inch Ant bites – Simon, Andy-2
  • Plenty of Mozzie bites
  • 1 Body slam into trailer during spotlight chasey – Isaac
  • 1 Arm slammed in car door – Isaac
  • 1 Frying pan to forehead – Isaac
  • 2 bad burns to the middle finger- Isaac, Ethan.
  • 2 blood noses – Mitch
  • 1 Beetle bite to the butt – Ethan
  • And plenty of bumps and bruises….

Nothing serious……so doing well in that department.



The beetle that bit Ethan’s butt and wouldn't let go….Painful for Ethan but amusing for everyone else.


  1. I've just about wet myself reading the unfortunate mishaps that have happened on your trip!!! Poor Isaac, shall I expect him to return all covered in bruises?!! And that beetle.....WOW!!!! Wishing you a very Happy Mother's Day Jacqui, I hope that even on your trip you have had a relaxing day. Lots of love Amanda, Liam and Nicky xxx

  2. Fantastic blog update guys, love the list !

    Take care

  3. If you're going to bitten by a beetle that's the one I'd go for as well!!! Hilarious list - counting down the days. Travel safe.

  4. this list had Dad laughing out loud so I had to come and see what was going on!
    I will be really pleased to see Isaac arrive home in one piece! He seems to have copped the majority of the list! and has he taken the cape and hat off yet?
    just as long as there's no more broken legs - think 2 in the family is quite enough for one year! can't wait to see the rest of these amazing photos and hear the rest of the stories!
