Sunday, May 15, 2011

Kakadu and Fenton Air Base

After Darwin we made our way to Kakadu.

 Kakadu & Fenton Airstrip 142


Kakadu & Fenton Airstrip 010

The seasons of Kakadu.

We were excited to be able to see it’s wetlands and the many birds we have heard it has at this time of year. Unfortunately their main wetlands – Yellow Water, isn’t open to people yet but we were able to see the smaller Mamukala Wetlands which was quite nice- not many birds but still nice.

Kakadu & Fenton Airstrip 029

Kakadu & Fenton Airstrip 028

Kakadu & Fenton Airstrip 038

Mamukala Wetlands

                            Kakadu & Fenton Airstrip 050Kakadu & Fenton Airstrip 054

We were still able to do a few walks, one of which took us along beautiful path through bushland and  big rock faces with Aboriginal Art on them. It then took us up to a rocky lookout over the Nadab floodplain…the view was amazing.

Kakadu & Fenton Airstrip 120

Rock Art

Kakadu & Fenton Airstrip 096

Nadab Floodplains

                            Kakadu & Fenton Airstrip 103Kakadu & Fenton Airstrip 138

                                           Nadab Floodplains 

We stayed in Kakadu for two nights at one of their camp spots along a small billabong…the mozzies were the size of elephants and in plague proportions. They came in at about 4 in the arvo and stayed till about 9 in the morning…never seen anything like it. Needless to say we spent a lot of time in the camper playing cards!

Kakadu & Fenton Airstrip 005

There is a lot of “burning off” going on at the moment so every 5 minutes we seem to be passing another fire…some right on the road side and burning pretty well. Some were a little bit to close for my liking…especially with jerry cans of petrol on our car!


Simons Dad Roger, had mentioned Fenton Airstrip to Simon a couple weeks ago so after Kakadu we searched and found Fenton Airstrip and Base Camp. Fenton is where Simons Grandfather – Claude Johnson ,was based in WWII. He was there when it came under heavy Japanese bombing in Mid-1943.

The drive into the Base Camp was quite the adventure with the road looking like it hadn’t had any work done on it since it was abandoned after the war. Only foundations are left from all the buildings and it was good that the fires had just gone through so we could see all the little metal bits and pieces left behind too.

Just being there and seeing the layout of the camp was very interesting…. you could almost imagine what it would have been like with hundreds of soldiers rushing around.

Kakadu & Fenton Airstrip 184


                         Kakadu & Fenton Airstrip 153Kakadu & Fenton Airstrip 156

                         Kakadu & Fenton Airstrip 166Kakadu & Fenton Airstrip 180

                         Kakadu & Fenton Airstrip 154Kakadu & Fenton Airstrip 155

The Airstrip was a few Kilometres away and bigger than i thought…apparently it was a heavy bomber airfield so the planes were bigger than most.

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Kakadu & Fenton Airstrip 189


                         Kakadu & Fenton Airstrip 197Kakadu & Fenton Airstrip 198

Mitch driving the Airstrip.

Kakadu & Fenton Airstrip 204

We were so glad we got to see this place and it made it so much more real for the boys knowing that their Great Grandfather served there.

I took so many photos Dad J, including all the signs with info on them….will show more when we get home..

Thankyou again for your comments…absolutely love hearing from home…and getting excited to see you soon xxx


  1. Fantastic!! so good to see it all - can't wait to see all the other photos of Fenton - Dad wants to get up there and see it all for himself one day too!
    Looks lik Kakadu is very picturesque from what you saw anyway!
    travel safe!
    mum and dad xx

  2. When Dave and the boys camped at the Coorong they had mozzies the size of wombats and in plague proportions but no where near as big as elephants - hate to think how much blood they drain from you or the mess you leave when you swat them!!!

  3. The Kakadi photos look fantastic. So glad Elliott is not around those giant mosquitoes, he would turn into one giant mozzie bite! Glad you haven't been swimming with crocodiles. Isaac (and the rest of you) we hope you are staying safe and not adding to your list of incidents. Ethan that giant beetle must have been a bit scary! Miss you all ... we are nearly ready to start counting the days until you are home. Enjoy Alice Springs it's a great place. Xx

  4. Wow, what a cool family historical trip. Not many kids would get to do something like that. Go Mitch, ya rev head!! Looks like he may need a few phone books though ;) Liam comments quite often how he really wishes he could be there with you and asks if we can go with you next time!! xxx
