Tuesday, April 26, 2011


We are just finishing our time here in Broome. It’s been a great 4 days with most of the days spent in the caravan park pool and the evening spent down on Cable Beach watching the camels and the beautiful sunsets. Which by the way, is a very popular pastime around here…..everyone in town seem to walk from all directions straight to Cable Beach as the sun is getting lower, watches the sunset, then they all disappear into the restaurants or the darkness to return home. This place has a real relaxed feel about…..it’s like time doesn’t exist…


Broome 078

Cable Beach – Broome

Broome 049

Broome 046

Sunset at Cable Beach

Broome 024

Broome 019

Broome 006

Broome 023

Swimming at the caravan park.

Broome 030


Broome 013

 We had great neighbours at the caravan park so the kids were pretty happy.


It’s a very friendly place as well with all of the locals growing up in Adelaide it seems….well it felt like that …everyone we spoke to said they grew up in Adelaide anyway.

We visited Broome Baptist Church on Easter Sunday which was good, the boys couldn’t believe how small the congregation was but they enjoyed it. We even bumped into some people from Craig and Leonie’s church in Perth. It was really good to be so far from home and still celebrate resurrection Sunday in such a special way. Isaac said he wants to stay here and go to that church every week.

Broome 064

Simon got up early on the Monday and went to the Dawn Service which had about 3000 people there. We went and checked out the memorial the next day.


After watching the camels for that last three nights we got our chance to have a ride on them….and I must admit it was pretty fun thing to do. Isaac and Ethan where a little worried and it didn’t help that Ethan and Simon got put on the biggest camel there.. Malachi was his name and he was massive.. In the end Ethan nearly fell asleep so he couldn’t have been to scared.

Broome 094

Our ride for the arvo.

Broome 102

Broome 105

Broome 110

Broome 121

We are camel no.2,3 and4..you might have to take our word for it.


 We are leaving this little oasis in the morning and heading east to see what we can see of the Kimberly’s.

Hope you are all well xxx



  1. Lovin' the photos - whish we were there with you ENJOY!

  2. So pleased you got to ride the camels!!!!!!

  3. so good to see you in some of the photos Jacqui! and what great photos they are too! the sunsets are spectacular and love the photo of the 4 boys!! can't see much evidence of the moon boot! how's the leg going Simon?
    missing you all - it will be lovely to have you home, but not before you have some more great adventures!

  4. Great to hear of your adventures... Missing you heaps... Off to Perth myself... Have enjoyed staying uptodate :)

  5. woo hoo for camel rides, how exciting....going up and down are the best and scariest bits i reckon.....
    sounds like it's been a great past few days, you'll never want to come home - keep having fun!

  6. hey andy...that massive circular swimming hole thingo looked amazing!!!
    Did you feel like you were on survivor?
    hope the camels didnt spit on ya bud!
    you look like you are havin a ball......we miss you at EBKidz but man oh man you will have some killer stories for us!! Glad you didnt squash that little lizard.....what a tail!!

  7. Hi Guys,
    Wow does that look like fun, the blog is excellent !
    Keep the great pictures and stories comming.
    Take care and stay safe.
    The Schrapels

  8. Love the photos and finally we get to see Jacqui.
    The photos are amazing who ever is taking them (Im guessing its Jacqui) you should take it up professionally. What an awesome trip you all are having. I hope you had a lovely Easter. Keep safe.
