Thursday, April 7, 2011




Ethan getting a bit tired of the whole packing up thing.


Stirling Range on the way to Gnowangerup.

After finishing up along the southern coast of W.A we headed a little inland to a little country town called Gnowangerup, where we caught up with Tim and Cassie Beeck and their three beautiful kids. It was awesome to catch up with a BBQ out the side of their lovely farmhouse on a perfect mild calm Gnowangerup evening.

The kids were treated to a real farm experience and got to do some spotlighting and drafting of sheep as well as checking out the lambs while having a tour of the farm.  Thanks Tim and Cassie…always great catching up!


Harrison, Micaela, Tim, Sienna and Cassie.


Andy, Harry and Mitch.




Drafting the sheep.


Watching the action.

Andy was loving every minute of it and is convinced he wants to be a farmer when he grows up now…Mitch loved it as well but said he needs to stick to city life because he thinks he is allergic to sheep so it wouldn’t work.


  1. Jacqui your photos are so good!!! You are really capturing some awesome moments. Looks like you are having such a good time :)

  2. Hey Johnnos. What an adventure. We're praying for you. Hope you continue to strengthen that leg Simon.
    All the best for your journey. I think I'm a little envious.

  3. Can see Andy as a farmer - there's got to be some farming blood there somewhere - but we could almost taste the dust from here - it's something you never forget!
    lovely to see Tim and Cassie's children - but what's with the red outfits? is it a Beeck uniform or something???

  4. NOoooooooooo...andy is gonna be an actor.....i already have his autograph thats gonna be worth alot of many one day, mmm maybe not any more??
