Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Southern W.A.

We have been spending the past 4 days along the south coast of W.A. Land of the Giants they call it (giant trees that is) and they are not kidding. Beautiful trees everywhere. I love this part of the country where you can drive along the road with dense tall trees on either side….really stunning…and then stumble across a beautiful little secluded beach.  

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We spent our time checking out the trees, swimming, fishing. Very unsuccessful fishing unfortunately…we even fished at a trout farm and still didn’t catch anything. I was hoping it would wane the boys enthusiasm for fishing but it doesn't seem to have worked that way….so we will just have to keep trying!

We camped in a national park where Mitchell came face to face with a very large kangaroo while standing guard on the broken toilet door for his mum…i heard it coming but it took Mitch completely by surprise. Very wide eyed after that.
Isaac made pancakes one morning.
Tree Top Walk.
We managed to get our car and trailer bogged pretty good along a beach track near Albany…..something i don’t want to do again…at least it gave us a chance to use all the recovery gear Simon bought for the trip. The gear did the trick and everyone was so excited to be back on the road (sorry, no photos though, we were too busy getting out!!). 


  1. sounds like the Adventure part of the title is actually happening! stay safe - and rest that leg Simon!!

  2. Hahahaha.......I shouldn't laugh about getting stuck!!! And not even a pic to show all your hard efforts?!! Glad you got out though. The tree top walk is fantastic!! I remember going with Tan and Liam when he was a baby. So jelous of your pancakes Isaac. They look better than mine ;) And Andy, Laim will want to hear all about your non-adventures of fishing. Looks like we're blessed with the same talent!!
