Thursday, April 14, 2011


We have spent the last week in Perth with Leonie, Craig and the gorgeous Tahlia and Josiah.

It had been a long 4 years since we have been to Perth as a family so we were very excited to be able to spend the week with Craig and Leonie. It was a very busy household with six kids so thank you so much L&C for letting us invade your lives…. we had an awesome week with you and really didn’t want to say goodbye.
We  filled our week with plenty of outings including Fremantle, Swan Valley, SciTech, Hillarys and I’m sure the highlight for all would have been Adventure World – such a cool place …rides and waterslides galore…so much fun. We also discovered that Tahlia and Josiah don’t seem to have any fear when it comes to rides….very funny to watch.

Mitch and Andy

No fear!

Big boys joining the little ones on their ride.

This so called “kids ride” was so not!!!  ...I think Isaac is saying a little prayer there.

My highlight would have to be Friday night…Craig surprised Leonie with 2 tickets to see Tina Arena with the WASO in at the Perth Concert Hall and i was the lucky one that got to go along with her…far out…the night was amazing and i loved every second of it..thanks again L&C
High on Simon’s list was Craig’s Pistachio Macaroons….very tasty and one just isn’t enough!!

It’s always hard to say goodbye when we leave Perth but we are looking forward to catching up again at Christmas time….and meeting the new addition!!!
We are heading North now…currently spending the night just out of Geraldton and making our way up the W.A. coast.


  1. Tina Arena Jac!!! I was excited for lones...but then i read YOU WENT TOO!!! "Go straight to the top of the in laws list Craig!"
    Those big cousins sure are proud of the littlies....cute photo on the grass. AND Isaac glad you are still alive to see another day of adventures....Jac, love that you captured the terror, true brilliance.
    Your boys will never wanna come home to normality.
    Love to all you guys!!

  2. so good to see everyone together and having a great time!!! wonder where Tahlia and Josiah get their "no fear" from???!!!! seem to remember their mother was a bit of a fearless rider too - but she was a little bit older!!!
    keep the photos coming Jac - but please let someone else take one so we can see you too!!!
    Mum J

  3. So fun you guys, love seeing the memories you're all making. Hope it's getting easier and easier each time you set off from one place to the next - was thinking of you in church today and thought how strange it is not seeing you there each week to say hi to, have a great easter, love the foleys xxxx
