Friday, April 1, 2011

1st April 2011

We have spent the last couple days in and around Esperance. The kids were very excited to get out of the car for starters and then to swim in the beautiful beach that they have here. Twilight Beach was absolutely beautiful and the kids enjoyed a swim- clothes and all.





Twilight Beach.

We headed west and found our next campsite just over the dunes at Munglinup Beach- complete with a huge sand hill that the kids spent hours running up and down. We seem to attract dogs were ever we go (I’m hoping it’s just because we have kids and not because we smell!!!) and this place gave us George. The kids loved him and said numerous times “why can’t our dogs be like George”. It was a bit sad to say goodbye to George.




Sand dune spriting.

The kids are doing an awesome job off setting up the camper and getting their jobs done. Andy especially is loving all the hands on work and helping Simon out with things. Mitchell on the other hand would rather just kick his footy aroundWinking smile Isaac is a good little help and Ethan just runs around making a lot of noise. Simon has graduated to a walking stick- although a bit slower than crutches its more convenient. He is very slowly getting more strength in it and doing an awesome job off not letting it stop him doing anything.

We are heading to Albany now to see what can find!




  1. Wow , looks like great fun

    Excellent pictures , keep it comming !

    Take care and stay warm.

    The Schrapels

  2. So sad we can't be with you, Liam wants to go for a swim with the boys. Typical of Mitch wanting to just kick the footy!!! And I can just imagine the noise Ethan has been making!!!

    Love Amanda and the boys xxx

  3. Hey guys - looks like so much fun that you are having. Wish we could say that we had almost caught up but when we haven't even left it's not likely...

    The boys (A Grade) had a good win today to wrap up the final match of the term - no such luck for C Grade... Good to see the others step up while certain other players are travelling all over the countryside or playing baseball!

    Take care - look forward to future blogs.

    Dave & Lucy (and the munchkins)

  4. JAC Johnno!!! your pics are stunning......johnno the cash for that cam of jac's, worth every last dollar. LOVE the pancake shot!! That could be in the next marketting campaign for shrove tuesday/pancake in 2012.

    Bless your heart guys!! Thanks for sharing all your travels with us.
    Andy, is it freaking you out walking through those CRAZY MASSIVE trees and thinking that the same God that made the trees around your place back home made those MASSIVE MAMMA trees. You could almost set up camp in there. glad you are seeing so much of Australia right now. We miss you guys but wow what an adventure!

  5. HI Johnsons!! I was told about your blog (and those awesome photos!!!) so I had to look for myself....yes! they are awesome. so here I am, your newest follower. Keep them coming and stay safe!! xx
