Wednesday, March 30, 2011

29th March 2011.

Spent the last couple days making our way across to Western  Australia. We are spending our nights in road side camps which have been surprisingly good. They get you off the road a fair way so you don’t feel like you are going to get run over by the road trains that keep going all night. Another long day of driving tomorrow and hopefully we will reach Esperance.

western adventure 2011 002


western adventure 2011 016

Our first night!

western adventure 2011 030

Great Aussie Bight.

western adventure 2011 035

Passing the time with homework.


  1. Good to hear things are going well - don't you have a very similar photo at the Bight? I feel like i've seen one like it before!! :) We're in count down mode here - very excited about next week! Safe travelling!

  2. huge similiarites to the other photo - except the boys are a bit bigger, and Simon didn't have a moon boot!! great to see you're enjoying yourselves, but Jacqui where are you???

  3. The photos look great. You have travelled a long way already - we didn't expect you to be so far away so quickly. Jacqui you have to teach Simon how to use the camera for the next photos - we want to see you as well! Missed you today in the canteen!

  4. We are loving to blog, Granny also wrote to me and is following you! Thanks for the photos, it is a discipline but hopefully it will give you some memories after.

  5. so cool to hear so far what you're up to - photo's are great, keep em coming. look forward to hearing about the adventures that come your way.....

  6. Jacqui where are you. Looks like you are having a great time. Great photos. I finally found how to put my name on this thing, its all new to me this blog thing but I enjoying hearing about your trip. The boys really wanted to win for Mitch at cricket the other day so he can be in the one in Oct. We lost last Saturdays match because we loose Alex on Saturdays now. Never mind it was the SAPSASA one we wanted to win for Mitchell. Im a bit happier now. Missing you guys. Keep safe.

  7. Great photo's - reminds me of our trip across the Nullabour when I was young (long ago!) - I remember having 50degrees in the car whilst practising God Save the Queen on a harmonica! Better time of year now I reckon.
    Sorry to have missed (you at ) so many life-groups - always hopeful... Have a great and safe trip forward.
