Saturday, March 26, 2011

This is it!!

Well, this is it, we've said all our goodbye's (sorry if we forgot anyone, we'll see you in a couple of months) and tomorrow we're on our way. The boys are all asleep but were pretty hyped with excitement just prior to their heads hitting their pillows.
Jac's done an amazing job with getting everything sorted and still continues to sort. I'm sure there will be a sense of relief when we head off tomorrow.
We won't be in a big hurry and it'll probably be a short travel day.
A great start to hopefully awesome time away.


  1. Now I've got your correct blogspot address I'll be able to keep tabs on you! Happy Adventuring!!! see you in a couple of months and enjoy your time together!! xx

  2. We will follow your progress all the way!! I hope it is an awesome trip and you all discover new places and enjoy the time as a family
