Wednesday, March 30, 2011

29th March 2011.

Spent the last couple days making our way across to Western  Australia. We are spending our nights in road side camps which have been surprisingly good. They get you off the road a fair way so you don’t feel like you are going to get run over by the road trains that keep going all night. Another long day of driving tomorrow and hopefully we will reach Esperance.

western adventure 2011 002


western adventure 2011 016

Our first night!

western adventure 2011 030

Great Aussie Bight.

western adventure 2011 035

Passing the time with homework.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 1

Not too much to tell you about, we left a bit later than planned and didn’t travel quite as far as anticipated but we’re not overly concerned, we’ll get where we need to be some time in the future so that's all that matters.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

This is it!!

Well, this is it, we've said all our goodbye's (sorry if we forgot anyone, we'll see you in a couple of months) and tomorrow we're on our way. The boys are all asleep but were pretty hyped with excitement just prior to their heads hitting their pillows.
Jac's done an amazing job with getting everything sorted and still continues to sort. I'm sure there will be a sense of relief when we head off tomorrow.
We won't be in a big hurry and it'll probably be a short travel day.
A great start to hopefully awesome time away.