Friday, June 3, 2011

Kings Canyon & Uluru

We spent a couple nights in Kings Canyon and really enjoyed our time there. We did the River Bed walk the first day - it takes you a little way along the base of the canyon with views of the walls at the end, it was quite a nice walk but i was left a little disappointed as i had heard it was an amazing place and the highlight of many peoples trips. We thought maybe the Rim walk was the secret so we did that the next day and it was amazing…bit hard in the beginning but it was worth every step. The landscape was beautiful with lots of domes and great views of the cliff faces…the photos in no way do it justice at all…. I can now see why people rate this place highly.

Mereenie Loop and Kings Canyon 020

Spinifex Pigeon – a lot of them around.

Mereenie Loop and Kings Canyon 028

Just a Wattle tree…i just love the blue sky that day..

                         Kings Canyon 076

Rim Walk.

Kings Canyon 087

                         Kings Canyon 077Kings Canyon 071

Rim walk.

Kings Canyon 100

Lush gardens near the end of the canyon.

Kings Canyon 115

Near the end of walk.

Mereenie Loop and Kings Canyon 046

The boys always set up their “offices” where ever we go.

Kings Canyon 025

Kings Canyon had entertainment every night. They had a kids spot where they all got to get up and play instruments and sing for everyone. Surprisingly the boys all loved it and went back the next night to do it all over again.


Next on to Uluru…..another place where photos do no justice at all….It’s an amazing sight when you first see it from a distance….and then to drive up close it kind of blew me away. I think the boys felt the same way going by the comments coming from the back of the car as we were driving up.


Uluru and Olgas in the distance.


                               Love the look of all the red sand!                              Animal tracks in sand.



Ayers Rock 020


Ayers Rock 049

Waiting for the traffic to clear after a sunset viewing.

                           Ayers Rock 078

The boys doing the climb,I had a hard time watching them as it looked so dangerous to me.

Ayers Rock 085

Waiting for them to come back.

Ayers Rock 133

Andy looking a little tired while we rested during a little walk through the Olga’s. Didn’t see a whole lot of them but still impressive.

We have taken to doing charades at night time to pass the time (we are usually in our camper by 7 to escape the mice) and it has been a lot of fun – Ethan is a very keen participant which makes it very interesting at times.

 I have heard the area is breaking a few records in regards to night time temp and i can tell you it has been freezing cold at night. I think we all are  fair weather campers because we have been sleeping in waiting for the day to warm up slightly before we stick our heads out the camper…it doesn't take long and the sunny day soon arrives- we have had great weather this whole trip without one drop of rain falling. 

Everyone is doing well and looking forward to getting home soon..see you soon xxx


  1. Jac, you say that photo's don't do it justice yet your photo's are amazing!!!!!! So excited for the time you are having together! Lots of love to you all.

  2. You will definitely feel the cold when you get home! You photos look great ... Love the boys offices. I wonder if they are ready for school work ... What a change for them. We are definitely counting down the days now! We need to see more photos of you Jacqui :) we will forget what you look like! See you all very soon! :) :) :) xx

  3. we'll pray for a safe journey home, at long last - bet you can't wait!
